Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. If ye landlubbers be needin' help , set yar URL rudder to the headin' this site me matey
Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. If ye landlubbers be needin' help , set yar URL rudder to the headin' this site me matey
Whenever you break up with someone you give em a gift like a bottle of whiskey or rum. It's like a "no hard feelings" gift. After a break-up most people drink so it's perfect.
Maybe from now on when I type I'll put everything in quotes so that when I say something stupid I can attribute to someone else.
See eveyone thinks the power of heart was a stupid power and the Indian kid got shafted but heart is an awesome power. The kid was a loser, imagine the power to invoke utter dispair in a person.