Monday, September 19, 2005


Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. If ye landlubbers be needin' help , set yar URL rudder to the headin' this site me matey

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Breakup Gifts

Whenever you break up with someone you give em a gift like a bottle of whiskey or rum. It's like a "no hard feelings" gift. After a break-up most people drink so it's perfect.

"Here , go use this to drown your heart-break"

There can even be special brands of liquor.

"Got a bottle of BreakUp Wihskey from FedEx, I guess me and so-and-so ain't dating no more"

Other brands can include:

  • Let's Be Friends Rum
  • It's Not You, It's Me Vodka
  • It's Not Working Out Scotch
  • You're Callow Schnapps


Maybe from now on when I type I'll put everything in quotes so that when I say something stupid I can attribute to someone else.

I am a genius

The Power of Heart

See eveyone thinks the power of heart was a stupid power and the Indian kid got shafted but heart is an awesome power. The kid was a loser, imagine the power to invoke utter dispair in a person.

  • Go to a bar
  • There's this hot chick
  • But she's with some dude
  • You pick a fight with him
  • And right before he hits you , you make not want to live any more
  • You kick his depressed self and steal the girl
  • And after you steal the hot chick, you use the power of heart again to make her like madly fall in love with this other hot chick
  • So they start going at it
  • And then you make them hate each other so they start fighting
  • And ripping clothes off and another
  • And then you make em like each other again
I'm telling you, that power was pure gold. That's why they didn't give it to a manly guy. A manly guy would definately known how to use that awesome ability.