The Importance of Being Humiliated
Once of the most common questions asked of Christianity is, "why did Jesus have to suffer and die?"
There are many correct answers to this question and recent events on the world stage has produced a clear example of the importance of Jesus being brutally beaten, humiliated and ultimately put to death. Through this act and other acts and teachings of Jesus , He shows us the path to Heaven is through humility and servitude and the path to Hell is pride and selfishness.
Let's say a religious leader comes along and preaches the importance of servitude but emphasizes pride instead of humility, which do you get? Islam (which actually means servitude).
An artist comes along and puts a crucifix in a bucket of urine, WWJD? Jesus would shake his head and not demand revenge. An artist comes along and draws Mohammed in an unfavorable way, what then? Bloody Jihad. For after all, the pride of Islam must be upheld.
Those Christians who have spread their faith through the sword and violence have done so in stark contradiction to the teachings of Jesus Christ but those Muslims who have spread their faith through similar means have done so in a manner that follows the footsteps of their great prophet Mohammed.
To compare the two religions honestly praises Jesus and defames Mohammed. I believe this to be self-evident.
Did you know that Jihad doesn't actually mean Holy War? It's meaning comes from expressing "effort on behalf of Allah". So preaching Islam is Jihad. Helping your friend who is disabled is Jihad.
What kind of religion lets a great word like Jihad descend into uncivilized and brutal murder and war. Yep the Islamic extremists do. It's just a way to mask their true ambitions, hiding behind religion. Everyone has done it at some point, what do you think the Crusades were about? Spreading Christianity? haha!
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